PaintCode 1.3.2
Device: Mac OS
Category: Developer Tools
Price: $99.99, Version: 1.3.1 -> 1.3.2 (iTunes)
Designing an attractive, resolution independent user interface is hard, especially if you have to program your drawing code. PaintCode is a simple vector drawing app that instantly generates resolution-independent Objective-C and C#/MonoTouch drawing code.You no longer have to tweak and recompile your drawing code over and over again to achieve the desired result. With PaintCode, a graphic designer with no programming experience can draw beautiful controls, icons and other user interface elements, and the app automatically generates code that is equally beautiful.Features• Prepared for the world of high resolution displays• Drawing canvas can be switched to a "Retina display" mode with a single clickBasic shapes• Rectangles, rounded rectangles, ovals, béziers, polygons, stars and texts• Boolean operationsLive Code Generation• Generates OS X, iOS and C#/MonoTouch drawing code instantly• The generated code is simple, readable and straightforward• The generated code uses Quartz and Core Graphics APIs• Maintains dynamic relationships between colors, gradients and shadows• Syntax highlightingDynamic shapes• Shape coordinates and dimensions can be dynamically linked to user-defined frames• You can define resizing behavior for each Bezier control point separatelyDynamic Colors, Gradients and Shadows• Colors, shadows and gradients can be reused in your document• They can be adjusted at any time, and all affected shapes are updated instantlyImport• SVG import• PSD import (module available as an in-app purchase) allows you to import layer graphics, paths, texts and groups from Adobe Photoshop documents.Colors• Basic and derived colors• New colors can be derived from the existing ones by changing their opacity, hue, brightness, etc.• Relationships between colors are dynamic• All derived colors are updated automatically when their basic color changesGradients• Multistep color gradients• Easy to use editor• Linear and circular gradientsShadows• Inner and outer shadowsImages• Retina and non-Retina versions• Can be used to fill shapesSmart groups• Custom resizing behavior of group content• Blend Modes and clips• Group shadow and opacity
What's New
- Countless PSD and SVG import improvements- Shadow opacity can now be changed directly in the shadow editing popover- Better code generation- Performance improvements- Bug fixes