MultiMarkdown Composer 2 2.4.8
Device: Mac OS
Category: Productivity
Price: $11.99, Version: 2.4.5 -> 2.4.8 (iTunes)

## The Best MultiMarkdown Editor Just Got Better! ##
MultiMarkdown Composer is a text editor that is designed from the ground up around the MultiMarkdown Syntax. It is designed to make writing in MultiMarkdown even easier than it already is, with automatic syntax highlighting, built in previews, easy export to any format that is supported by MultiMarkdown, and more!
By using an editor built around Markdown and MultiMarkdown, you can focus on the actual *writing*, rather than worrying about formatting and styles. Let the computer deal with that when you're ready to export your document to another format.
## Learn More ##
If you are unfamiliar with Markdown or MultiMarkdown, or just want to learn more about MultiMarkdown Composer and what it can do, please visit http://fletcherpenney.net/multimarkdown/ before purchasing this application. We want you to be sure that you will be happy with your purchase!
You can also visit http://multimarkdown.com/ to learn more about the application, see screenshots, and even video previews and demonstrations.
## New Features for Version 2 ##
Version 2 is a complete rewrite of MultiMarkdown Composer and includes the following:
* Performance improvements
* Live HTML preview
* "Synchronized Scrolling" --- you can scroll the editing pane or the preview pane, and both sides will line up properly, even in fairly complex documents!
* Improved Style Themes and ability to customize look and feel
* Table of Contents can be used to rearrange your document with drag and drop
* Built in help and MultiMarkdown "cheat sheet"
* Ability to show invisible characters
* Support for CriticMarkup(http://criticmarkup.com/) for comparing documents or collaborating with others
## Key Features ##
* MultiMarkdown syntax highlighting
* Customizable themes - choose from built in themes, including solarized, or design your own
* Instant preview of rendered HTML
* Easily copy HTML, RTF, or LaTeX output to the clipboard with one keystroke to paste into other applications
* Support for using Marked to preview your document if it's installed
* Automatic table of contents drawer for easy navigation
* HUD panels to display document statistics, defined reference labels, etc.
* Instant export to HTML, OPML, LaTeX, Flat OpenDocument format, Word(with limitations), RTF, and basic ePub export
* Support for custom commands when exporting HTML
* Multiple keyboard shortcuts to minimize the need to use the mouse
* Easily print your text file without struggling with arcane settings to make it fit properly on the page
* Easily switch between MultiMarkdown and the original Markdown syntax for both highlighting and HTML preview/export
* "Typewriter" scrolling mode
* ODB Editor Protocol support -- works in OS 10.8+ only
## Assisted Editing - features to automate entering MMD syntax ##
* automatic list formatting
* "smart pairs" --- close parentheses, brackets, quotes, etc.
* support for "elastic tabstops" so your document is properly aligned
* single keystroke indent and outdent of lines
* automatic link creation
We can't reply to comments, suggestions, or bug reports in these reviews - please contact us at help@multimarkdown.com or http://support.multimarkdown.com so that we may respond to your questions and assist with any problems you may have. We have noticed that several of the very few negative comments are actually related to user error --- we'd love to help you fix your issues, but can't if you don't contact us. Thank you!
What's New
* Pasting a URL onto an existing URL replaces it instead of making a nonsensical link
* hitting `tab` immediately after hitting `return` while inside a list will indent the line rather than inserting a `tab` character
* Fix bug in ePub export with short image names
* Updates to MultiMarkdown -- e.g. inline footnotes
* Fix highlighting with `***foo***` and `___foo___`
* Improve syntax highlighting of HTML comments
* Don't vertically center partial pages when printing/exporting to PDF
* Option to copy highlighted source text as rich text (including syntax highlighting)
* updates to MultiMarkdown -- improvements to HTML comment syntax and "dollar sign" math
* update to "Convert Selection To..." behavior
MultiMarkdown Composer 2