Wizard - Statistical Analyzer 1.3.18
Device: Mac OS
Category: Productivity
Price: $79.99, Version: 1.3.17 -> 1.3.18 (iTunes)

Wizard is a new Mac app that makes data analysis easier than ever. No programming, no typing — just click and explore. Wizard makes statistics accessible to beginners, but beneath the surface lies a full set of tools for doing professional research.
Featured by Apple! "New and Noteworthy" (Feb. 2013) and "Apps for Business" (Apr. 2013)
"You can be looking at statistical analyses less than a minute after importing your data." —MacFormat Magazine (UK)
It's true: within minutes of opening Wizard for the first time, you'll be generating graphics, uncovering correlations, producing p-values, building models, and sharing insights with colleagues. Most customers find that the program pays for itself in just a few days of use. Explore Wizard's delightful feature set, including...
Wizard will start graphing your data as soon as you click on it. It uses native Mac graphics to give you crisp visual summaries — box-plots, scatterplots, histograms, and more — in a fraction of a second.
Build sophisticated statistical models in seconds with Wizard's intuitive modeling interface. Regression estimates are instantly recomputed as you play around with the controls and experiment with new specifications.
Wizard supports drag-and-drop, multi-level Undo, and other interface conveniences that Mac users expect from their software. An interactive tutorial will help you get started.
Dozens of functions are available to help you get data into the form you want. Compute quantiles, perform day-of-week calculations, multiply columns together, and more.
Export colorful graphics as web-friendly PNG or print-quality PDF. If you're surrounded by PC users, export your models as interactive spreadsheets that can be used to run "What if?" scenarios in any version of Microsoft Excel. They'll wonder how you did it.
Wizard supports the most common statistical tests and models, including...
Univariate Tests
+ Shapiro-Wilk test of normality
+ 1-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov (normality and uniformity)
+ Pearson's goodness-of-fit (equal proportions)
Bivariate Tests
+ Pearson's goodness-of-fit (chi-square)
+ t-test and ANOVA
+ Correlation (Pearson product-moment) and R²
+ Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis
+ 2-sample and N-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov
Multivariate Models
+ Linear regression (OLS)
+ Weighted linear regression (WLS)
+ Poisson and geometric regression
+ Logistic regression (Logit) and Probit
+ Multinomial Logit and Ordered Probit
+ Negative Binomial (NegBin-2)
+ Cox Proportional Hazards
Regression Features
+ Fixed effects
+ Robust standard errors
+ Clustered standard errors
+ Joint significance tests
+ Odds ratios
+ Residual analysis
+ Sensitivity/specificity analysis
+ Interactive prediction assistant
+ Copy models as R code
You can import and export any of the formats listed below (or enter data manually). So besides being a full-featured statistical package, Wizard works as a handy tool for converting files.
Import Formats
+ Excel/Numbers (.xls/.xlsx/.numbers)
+ R workspace files (.RData)
+ Comma-separated values (.csv)
+ Tab-delimited (.tsv and .tab)
+ Text files with custom field delimiters
Export Formats
+ Excel (.xls)
+ R workspace files (.RData)
+ Comma-separated values (.csv)
+ JavaScript Object Notation (.json)
To import and export other files, including SPSS, Stata, and SAS formats, you'll need Wizard Pro — also available on the Mac App Store. This is the only difference between the Pro and Standard versions.
+ Beautiful Retina-ready graphics
+ Full-screen mode — ideal for presentations
+ Small file size — new program versions download quickly
What's New
New in 1.3.18:
* Fix uncommon freezing issues in the Summary view
New in 1.3.17:
* Fix an issue importing CSV files that start with a byte-order mark (BOM)
* Improve error reporting for CSV files that cannot be imported
New in 1.3.16:
* Fix an issue when importing variable names in XLSX files containing rich-text formatting
New in 1.3.15:
* Wrap very long chart titles when viewing pie charts
* Fix an issue with CSV exporting of columns with quotation marks in their names
New in 1.3.14:
* Fix an issue with importing columns with non-ASCII character names from Numbers documents
New in 1.3.13:
* Fix a few issues with date columns
* New rows sometimes appeared in the middle of a data set rather than at the end
New in 1.3.12:
* Fix importing of true/false fields in XLSX files
New in 1.3.11:
* Fix an off-by-4-years issue when importing certain XLSX files
* Fix importing of TSV and CSV files with comment lines that start with the "#" character
New in 1.3.10:
* NEW Export Pivot tables as CSV or XLS
* Fix a crash when importing certain XLS files
* Import time-of-day fields from Excel as a number from 0-24
New in 1.3.9:
* Fix an intermittent crash in the Summary view
* Fix inaccurate tooltips
New in 1.3.7:
* Fix a crash when applying model weights to multiple outcome variables
* Fix a crash when exporting models as XLS with multiple outcome variables
New in 1.3.6:
* Support for batch-importing multiple files of the same type
* New: Count Unique Values function in the Pivot view
* Fix minor issues with importing from XLS files
New in 1.3.5:
* New "Delete Column" menu item when control-clicking a column header in the Raw Data view
* Fix various issues with Recode variables
* Adjust standard errors for small sample sizes (unweighted linear models only)
New in 1.3.4:
* Fix a display bug in the Summary view when text values contain newlines
* Fix a crash with models containing both date and non-date explanatory variables
* Fix a crash when removing a variable from the Model view using the context menu
* Fix a crash involving text columns joined from another table
* Fix a crash when deleting a column that is being used to perform a table join
New in 1.3.3:
* New menu item: Covariate > Deselect will deselect the active covariate in the Summary view. (You can still deselect by Command-clicking.)
* New behavior: Deleting a column from the Summary view will immediately select the next column in the table. Ideal for rapidly inspecting / deleting a large number of columns.
New in 1.3.2:
* Preserve filter selections when switching between tables
* Correctly parse numbers surrounded by spaces in CSV files
* Fix a bug where a blank header cell in an Excel spreadsheet caused subsequent columns not to be imported
* Fix some issues with PDF export of model images
* Fix a crash when stacking tables with indicator variables
New in 1.3.1:
* NEW copy images directly to clipboard
* Fix a bug where date columns were not always recognized when importing XLSX
* Fix a crash in the Raw Data view
Wizard - Statistical Analyzer