Accordance Bible Software 10.1.7
Device: Mac OS
Category: Reference
Price: $49.99, Version: 10.1.5 -> 10.1.7 (iTunes)

Accordance is the premier application for studying and searching the Bible. For over 18 years Accordance has been helping students, pastors, scholars, and devotional readers go deeper in their Bible study. If you are looking for a fast and powerful tool that will take your Bible study to the next level, Accordance is for you.What can you do with Accordance?Accordance lets you read, search, and explore the Bible and related texts. You can also create your own user content that will integrate with the rest of your study materials and sync with Accordance on iOS.Read• Read the Bible and compare multiple translations side by side• Read devotionals and follow a Bible reading plan• Read commentaries that will scroll in sync with your BibleSearch• Search the Bible using powerful search commands• Search the Bible graphically using a drag and drop interface• Analyze search results with customizable charts and graphsExplore• Look up unfamiliar words in Bible dictionaries and lexicons• Explore parallel passages in the Gospels, Epistles, Hebrew Bible, and more• Learn more about words in the Bible just by hovering over them (in tagged Bibles)Create• Take notes that will scroll in sync with your Bible• Highlight your Bible and other books with customizable highlight colors and patterns• Create or import user tools that integrate with your library and are fully searchable• Create Bible diagrams to study the structure of a passage (does not sync with iOS)What does this Starter Collection Include?This Accordance 10 Starter Collection includes the ESV Bible tagged with Strong’s numbers, Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, IVP's New Bible Commentary, and over 20 other resources to aid you in your Bible study. Below is a list of all the Bibles, books, and tools included.English Bibles• Bible in Basic English• Douay-Rheims Bible• English Standard Version tagged with Strong’s numbers (ESVS)• King James Version tagged with Strong's numbers (KJVS) • King James Version Apocrypha (KJVA) • World English Bible (WEB)International Bibles• French La Sainte Bible, Nouvelle Edition de Genève 1979 (NEG79) • Italian La Sacra Bibbia, Nuova Riveduta 1994 (NR94) • German Schlacter translation 1951 (SCHLA) • Spanish Reina Valera 1909 (RVR09)Greek Bibles• Textus Receptus Greek New Testament• Nestle-Aland 27th Edition Tagged Greek New Testament Demo (first three chapters)Greek Tools• Mounce Concise Greek-English Dictionary of the New TestamentHebrew Bibles• Hebrew Masoretic Text Demo (first three chapters)Hebrew Tools• Kohlenberger/Mounce Concise Hebrew–Aramaic Dictionary of the Old TestamentBible Parallels• Old Testament• Old Testament in the New Testament• Gospels• Harmony• Q Sayings• Synoptics• EpistlesCommentaries• IVP New Bible Commentary• Matthew Henry’s Commentary (Condensed)Dictionaries• Easton's Bible Dictionary• Eerdmans Dictionary of the BIble• Webster's DictionaryBible Reading Plans• Chronological Readings• Devotional ReadingsOther Tools• Bible Outlines• Classic Passages• Parables & Miracles• Maps Sampler• Nave's Topical Bible • PhotoGuide Sampler• Timeline SamplerWhat else is available for purchase?If you want to add more to your library, you can purchase other books and Bible study tools at any time. Accordance offers an extensive catalog of materials including everything from Christian classics to Jewish publications to high-end Greek and Hebrew resources. Whatever your Bible study needs, Accordance has you covered.
What's New
Improved Search Back, improved handling of NA28, and bug fixes.Improvements ▪ Improved Search Back when not selecting a hit word ▪ Interlinear, external link, book cover, and footnote support for upcoming modules ▪ Updated to latest Bibliography database ▪ Localization now applies to all portuguese, not just brazilian ▪ Improved text comparison when handling words with variants ▪ Improved text/tool alignment dealing with verse zero ▪ Improved spacing of paragraphs when combined with lacunae ▪ Improved Library speed ▪ Improved Cross Highlighting's handling of Greek ▪ Better support for GNT28-T ▪ Updated help for 10.1.7Bug fixes ▪ Fixed empty startup in certain cases ▪ Fixed selecting a block of content with right-to-left text at the end of the line ▪ Fixed crash selecting Context on a tool ▪ Fixed double display of the Recover from a Crash dialog ▪ Disabled running the default session upon startup when opened via a document ▪ Fixed the display of an extra close 'x' in certain situations ▪ Fixed population of the LINK command dialog to include all possible choices ▪ Fixed Odes/Prayer of Mannaseh issue in LXX ▪ Fixed import/export of certain Syriac characters ▪ Fixed User Notes printing when not on page 1 ▪ Fixed COUNT command to correctly include very common words ▪ Fixed FIELD END command combined with WITHIN ▪ Fixed Easy Install considering blank items as missing ▪ Fixed bug when selecting Define Ranges from the Search Right-click menu ▪ Fixed bug where opening Accordance via a saved session would also cause the startup session, on certain systems ▪ Fixed bug preventing Sigla from amplifying to the Apparatus in NA28
Accordance Bible Software