Markdown Life 1.2.1
Device: Mac OS
Category: Productivity
Price: $4.99, Version: 1.2.0 -> 1.2.1 (iTunes)
An elegant and easy to use editor with simplicity for the Markdown markup language. Markdown Life is able to use full power of your new Mac and brings you unprecedented performance. Works like spell-checking, word-counting and HTML conversion are all performed in background to make sure the experience as smooth as possible.Hot features: * Two columns: the text and the live HTML preview.* Syntax highlight. * 4 stylish themes. * 10 wonderful HTML templates. * Code-assist that simplifies your tagging work. * Word/character/byte counter. * Auto-completion. * Line number display with highlight on current line. * Show invisible characters (tabs/newlines/spaces).* Large document support. * Auto-sync the live preview with the position of cursor. * Export to HTML pages. * Export to PDF documents. * Lightning fast renderer. * Full-screen mode. * Support of writing in Chinese, Japanese and Korean. * Colorful printing support.* Scientific calculator.* Full accessibility support.* Versions support.If you have any questions, suggestions or bug reports (e.g., syntax inconsistence) or just want to complain, tweet me @markdownlife.
What's New
* Fixed: Preview was scrolled down to bottom after any edit to the document.Version 1.2.0+ Added: auto-insert paired parenthesis and quote mark. + Added: auto-highlight the paired parenthesis. + Improved: use Tab/Shift+Tab to indent/unindent the selected text. + Improved: UI tweaks. * Fixed: minor bugs. Version 1.1.0 + Added: Versions support. + Added: Show invisible characters (tabs/newlines/spaces). + Added: Wrap lines to editor's width. + Added: Fast switch the size-ratio of editor and preview window. + Improved: Current line highlight experience. + Improved: Markdown to HTML convertor compatibility. + Improved: Performance boost. Open a 1MB markdown file to feel the difference. + Improved: Shortcut key for "Jump To Line" was changed to Cmd+J to avoid conflict with "Find Next". * Fixed: Flickering in preview window. * Fixed: Missing association of ".mdown" extension. * Fixed: Scroll area background color. * Fixed: Spelling mistakes. * Fixed: Bugs in OS X Lion. * Fixed: Fonts for styled paragraphs were not reset correctly after changing the font. * Fixed: General regression fixes.
Markdown Life