ProjectTracker 2.1.5
Device: Mac OS
Category: Business
Price: $3.99, Version: 2.1.4 -> 2.1.5 (iTunes)

Do you need to know how much time you were spending on specific tasks? This app makes it easy to track your time on a project by project basis. You click a button on the menu bar to start or stop the timer. Add different projects and track the times for each. Even include a rate for the time spent on each project and watch the dollars tick by overall and per project. You can even get a historical report of your time in either weekly or monthly format, broken down by each project. Set the minimum charge and the charge resolution to account for startup time and the wasted little bits in between projects.
Simple Controls
• Start or stop tracking with the click of a button while in any application.
• Change the current project easily while in any application.
• Easy access to reports and timesheet while in any application.
• View your totals of the day for each project and for all put together.
• Edit your projects easily while in any application.
• Unlimited number of master projects.
• Unlimited number of projects in each master project.
• Projects can be colour coded.
• Each project can have it's own charging configuration.
• Deactivate projects no longer in use, at the project or master project level.
• Use master projects as templates when creating new master projects.
• Store information with each project in the form of time stamped notes.
Time Sheets
• View a week's worth of your time in a familiar timesheet layout.
• Hover over any time entry to see more information.
• Click on any time entry to make changes to it.
• Drag a time entry to move it on the sheet.
• Drag the top or bottom edge of an entry to adjust it's size.
• View all 24 hours of each day, or only the portion that is relevant to you.
• View using a 12 or 24 hour clock.
• See a total for each day and for the whole week.
• See previous weeks.
• Print the timesheet.
• Control which projects show up in the report.
• Control the date range of the report.
• Summarize the projects at any date granularity (days, weeks, months, etc).
• Control the level of detail independently for each date range.
• Show weekly or monthly based reports.
• Show actual totals or totals based on the charge resolution of each project.
If you have any feedback on this product or a bug report, please feel free to email me or leave a comment at my website, or leave a review on the app store for this app. If you've found a bug, please leave enough detail that I can track any bugs down and fix them for the next release.
What's New
• Changed the name of the 'Exit' button to 'Quit' to conform to the "OS X Human Interface Guidelines"
• Fixed a bug where the printed report would cut off the bottom several lines when notes were included.
• Fixed a bug where the time sheet would usually start up on the wrong week where sunday is not the first weekday.
• Fixed a bug where the time sheet would sometimes start up empty.
• Added ability to close the app by dragging it off the menubar.
• Now shows a time entry's notes in the reports.
• Fixed bug where project running idle past across midnight would not clean up properly when idle was dropped.
• Fixed when collapsed on the menubar and the menu frees up more room, it will automatically re-expand.
• Fixed bug where version history would not display bullets properly. :)
• Changed time display so that 12/24 hour output is taken from the computer's preferences and is used consistently throughout.
• Reworked the app's icon. Hopefully it is a little prettier.
• Minor bug fixes.
• Can now store and print multiple notes for each project, including a time stamp for each.
• Can now show idle time on the menu bar. (shows time remaining until assumed inactivity)
• Highlighting overlaps in reports is now a configurable option.
• Timesheet can now display using a 24 hour clock.
• Fixed bug where reports and timesheet do not show properly when the first day of the week is something other than Sunday.
• Fixed bug where selecting a time entry in a previous week on the timesheet and unchecking the "From Start" checkbox in the time editor would lock up the program.
• Minor bug fixes.
• (thank you Aleksey, Chris and kiteless for your suggestions and bug reports)
• Can now edit the notes of the currently running time entry.
• Can now edit the start time of the currently running time entry.
• Minor bug fixes.
• Can now add notes to time entries.
• There is now an indicator of the current time on the timesheet view.
• Project editor view now shows the total cost for each project and for each master project.
• If only showing a partial day on the timesheet, can now scroll around in the day.
• Overlapping time entries now show more clearly on the timesheet.
• Dragging or resizing entries on the timesheet can now snap to time intervals (5-10-15-30 minutes).
• Can now delete a time entry right from the timesheet view.
• Can now resize a time entry right from the timesheet view.
• Can now reassign multiple time entries to a different project.
• Can now select the week for the time sheet using a calendar.
• Fixed bug where display would show no time if you restarted ProjectTracker in the middle of the day.
• Updated the user manual
• The user manual is not accessible directly from Project Tracker.
• Minor bug fixes.
Please see the in-app version history view for the complete history.