The Lords of Midnight 1.12
Device: Mac OS
Category: Games
Price: $5.99, Version: 1.0 -> 1.12 (iTunes)

Mike Singleton's '84 classic Adventure Strategy game, brought to and updated for OSX.
"The Lords of Midnight is not simply an adventure game nor simply a war game. It was really a new type that became known as an epic game, for as you play the Lords of Midnight you will be writing a new chapter in the history of the peoples of the Free.
You will guide individual characters across the land of Midnight on vital quests but you will also command armies that must endeavour to hold back the foul hordes of Doomdark, the witch king. Yours will be no inevitable victory." - Mike Singleton 1984
Reviews from the recent iOS version:
"Lords of Midnight does story-based, large-scope, high-fantasy warfare better than most titles I can think of, iOS or otherwise."
- Rating 4/5- PocketTactics.com
"This is an outstanding remake and developer Chris Wild, should feel very proud of creating such a superb celebration of the man’s work."
- Rating 8/10 - Metro
"#1 - Top 5 iPhone and iPad games of the week"
- AppMyWorld.com
"If you're interested in classic games, especially fantasy and/or strategy games, Lords of Midnight is a must-have."
- Rating 4/5 - TouchArcade.com
"App of the Year!"
- Rating 5/5, Mirror.co.uk
"It's an unmissable remake. Few titles weather the storms of time as well as this solid-gold classic."
- Rating 4/5 - PocketGamer.co.uk
"A must own title; pure genius and extremely entertaining. Recommended."
- Rating 98/100 - Arcade Life
“Made of extremely bright colors and clean lines, a stylistic choice that was and still is very original.”
– Multiplayer.it
"Despite the perfectly adapted touch controls and crisp graphic presentation, this is a proper 1980s they-don’t-make-’em-like-they-used-to game"
- PocketTactics.com
"#3 - Top 10 iPad games and apps of December 2012"
- QualityIndex.com
"If you love a game, love the game’s creator and want to produce an updated tribute – here’s your benchmark. Almost thirty years old and yet it feels fresh, relevant and completely at home on a touch screen. Recommended without reservation – so good it makes me want to cry."
- Arcade Life
"Original, longed for and a perfect adaptation of a legendary game. Unlike those Spectrum conversions that are strictly for nostalgia lovers, Chris Wild’s Lords of Midnight will enthrall any gamer who thinks he has what it takes for a true battle of wits where only the most brilliant commanders will survive."
- Louise Mensch, Mirror.co.uk
"Lords of Midnight is an experience that everybody with a remote interest in games should have, buying into your characters and developing your own war stories is a wonderful thing. It is a game with hidden depths that deserve to be plumbed and I cannot recommend it enough."
- KoruCottage.com
iOS Best Port/Retro Gamer of the Year"
- Arcade Life
Please check out www.thelordsofmidnight.com/blog for news on updates and new features to come...
What's New
Version 1.12
1. FIXED: Graphic line glitch under certain terrain and various sizes
2. FIXED: Poor quality of distant terrain
3. FIXED: Random action selection when dragging main view. ( eg. Suddenly asking, do you want night? )
4. FIXED: Double army display
5. FIXED: Approach screen not appearing when entering a location with a recruitable character
Version 1.11
1. CHANGED: When fullscreen mode not supported windows modes are now still available.
2. FIXED: Removed duplicate icon on select screen
3. FIXED: Uses correct database - fixes missing words in text messages. eg. Night screen.
4. ADDED: New group controls on the lord select screen.
5. ADDED: Disband group on the lord select screen.
6. ADDED: Leave group on think screen
7. ADDED: Disband Group on think screen
8. ADDED: Text on think screen to show group status
9: ADDED: Merge group on select screen
10. ADDED: Swap group leader on select screen
11. ADDED: You can now move from one group to another in one movement
12. FIXED: incorrect reporting of morkin's death when luxor dies after morkin
13. FIXED: Scaling problems with critters on the map
14. ADDED: Mouse Wheel scale up/down on map
15. ADDED: Mouse Wheel page up/page down on think screen
16. ADDED: Cleaner lord names on shields
17. ADDED: Keys Up/Down Page Up/Page down on think screen
18. ADDED: Keyboard shortcut to map scaler
19. ADDED: Select lord from think screen
20. ADDED: Multiple lord select on map screen
21. ADDED: Non recruited characters are removed from multiple lords at the same location
22. ADDED: Novella and Guide now prompt before starting a download
23. ADDED: iOS/OSX option for eBook Novella or PDF Novella
24. ADDED: Characters can be selected from the think
The Lords of Midnight