StarMoney - manage your finances the easy way 1.8.0
Device: Mac OS
Category: Finance
Price: $10.99, Version: 1.7.0 -> 1.8.0 (iTunes)

See where your money goes. With StarMoney you have all your finances in one place, automatically categorized and presented in a clear and understandable way. Set and reach financial goals and cut your spending.
- All bank accounts in one place
- Support for wide set of export and import formats, such as QIF, OFX, MT940 and CSV individual configurable
- Auto categorized spending
- Customizable visual reports
- Income and spending comparison
- Budget tracking to achieve financial goals
- Budget suggestions based on your data
- Works with more than 150 currencies
- Manages bills and invoices (attach documents to your turnovers)
- Bank-level security (AES 256)
- Password protection
- Auto-logout function
- Automatic application lock (on hide, minimize, sleep)
- TÜV certified (Leading German Association for Technical Inspection)
Find out more about StarMoney security features at: http://www.starmoney.de/?sicherheitshinweise-mac (in German only)
- Support for most account and transaction types
- Ability to create and share transaction templates
- Create transactions directly from you clipboard (cmd-c, cmd-v)
You’ll find a list of all features, supported accounts and transaction types at www.starmoney.de/mac (in German only)
- You will need a Mac with an Intel processor (64-Bit) and a Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) or higher
- Before buying please check whether your bank is supported at www.starmoney.de/?starmoney-mac
- Following bank account types are supported: giro, savings, loans, deposits, credit card accounts
- Supported TAN security methods: iTAN chipTAN manually, chipTan comfort (visually), smartTAN +, sm@rtTAN optic, one-step procedure, TAN-generator, SecureTAN, smsTAN, mTAN
- Your bank has to offer an online communication via HBCI PIN/TAN or FinTS PIN/TAN protocol in versions 2.2 and 3.0. Banks who do not offer this protocol are not supported yet
- HBCI chip cards and HBCI files are not supported yet
- If you have suggestions or want to report an error send us a message via our contact form (http://www.starmoney.de/?smmac-feedback) or directly from StarMoney (optionally including completely anonymised communication logs)
- If you have problems setting up your bank accounts or using our application, please consult our FAQ at http://www.starmoney.de/?starmoney-mac-support
- If you have suggestions or want to report an error, you can send us a message directly from StarMoney (optionally including completely anonymised communication logs) or you can use our contact form at http://www.starmoney.de/index.php?id=starmoney-mac-support
- Additional information can be found at http://www.starmoney.de/?starmoney-mac
- By purchasing and/or using StarMoney, you fully accept the terms of the end user license agreement of the Star Finanz GmbH. You can find it at http://www.starmoney.de/?starmoney-mac
What's New
* Enhanced functionality and improved performance *
1. New area for order list including template management:
- Orders can be saved for later dispatch (= Outbox)
- Order history
- Possibility to store orders as a template
- Transfer printing as list
2. Performance and stability
- Improvement of the SEPA order handling
- Acquisition of IBAN and BIC when importing from StarMoney for Windows
- Reliable storage of IBAN and BIC in the address book
- Fixed minor bugs
* SEPA *
SEPA comes into full effect on 1st of February 2014. No matter if your bank accepts only SEPA or uses the extension of the time limit for conversion. StarMoney will do both - SEPA and the national payments system. If requested account number and bank code can be converted in IBAN and BIC by one click.
1. More SEPA:
- Presentation of SEPA transactions is clearer now
- Export of SEPA-XML files is possible
- Bank name is shown additional to BIC on SEPA form
We are delighted by your positive response. And in case something doesn't work, don't hesitate to write us: https://www.starmoney.de/index.php?id=smmac-feedback
StarMoney - manage your finances the easy way