WarRoom 2.0.0
Device: Mac OS
Category: Business
Price: $49.99, Version: 1.3.0 -> 2.0.0 (iTunes)

WarRoom® is a lightweight but powerful document review tool for litigation support. WarRoom is designed for attorneys and litigation support professionals who need an easy-to-use system for loading images and data from an electronic document production. "WarRoom is an amazing program. E-discovery solutions are virtually nonexistent for OS X and WarRoom has now filled that need. WarRoom is easy to use and packed with great features."- Bradford J. Black, Black Chang & Hamill LLPIn these days of electronic discovery and massive document reviews, most major law firms have agreed on a standard for their productions. Typically these productions consist of a "data" file, an "images" file, and a folder full of single page tiff image files. Without expensive database software (none of which is available for OS X), a production like this would be useless to you. Now, with WarRoom, you can have the same tools at a fraction of the cost. WarRoom runs on OS X 10.7 Lion and 10.8 Mountain Lion, and provides many advanced features: Easily create your document database structure • Create up to 50 database fields • Field values can contain text, numbers, or dates (various formats) Import document metadata with ease • Load data from delimited text files (.DAT or .TXT) using any standard character• Load image data from .LFP, .OPT, or .LOG files (supports single or multi page Tiffs)• Import PDF files directly into your project*Make your document review painless • Review documents in Browse, Table, or Split Screen mode • Search document full text instantly, or construct a form search for deeper searching • Search within the text of a document to highlight hits • Built in Image Viewer launches in a separate window (supports dual displays) Organize your documents and hide privileged information • Tag documents with various issues, and search based on your tags • Redact sensitive information on images and optionally make the redactions permanent Export only what you would like to produce • Export full text OCR to .TXT text files • Export images to multi-page .PDF or single page .TIFF image files with an associated .LFP image load file • Export document data to a delimited text .DAT file • Supported data load file formats: Concordance .DAT or any delimited text file (.TXT format) • Supported image load file formats: iPro .LFP**, Opticon .OPT or .LOG WarRoom does not currently process "native" files for electronic discovery. WarRoom is currently English only.*In order to capture the full text of PDFs into your database, they must already be full-text searchable PDFs. WarRoom does not currently OCR documents.**Please note that the following .LFP codes are not currently supported by WarRoom: LC, IO, IA, FD, IN, IS, FT, OT, OF, OI, DT, RT, DA, SR, and RS.
What's New
WarRoom has reached version 2.0! This is a big update with lots of bug fixes and some new features:2.0.0***NEW***- New look! We've tweaked the interface to make things more user friendly, including adding a start screen with quick links to Help, recent documents, and new documents.- Added a "Consolidate Volume" feature in Import Images. This allows you to move all images associated with a particular volume into the database file bundle, which allows for portability of the file. You can also use this function to prepare a database for WarRoom Mobile for iOS. See Help for more details.-WarRoom now automatically corrects PC file paths to OS X style paths when importing image load files- Volumes automatically default to the Image Library folder in your Pictures directory- Tag window is now detachable. Simply drag it away from the window to make it into a floating palette - New documents are now tracked. Once you have viewed a document it is automatically marked as Reviewed. This way you can quickly find documents that you have not yet reviewed.- Added the option to always use standard delimiters when importing and exporting data files- Added a Clear function to the Form Search window***BUG FIXES***- Fixed a bug that caused some lines to run together in exported LFP files- Corrected the display of volume paths in the Import Images window- Fixed an issue when using Save As where some images were not included- Main window now updates after importing data- Increased size of Tag box so it is easier to see a long list of tags- Corrected the display of bad image paths- Fixed an issue when printing images with redactions- Fixed a crash when closing a sheet with the text finder window open- Corrected an issue where deleted Volumes or Images were still kept in memory- New redactions now appear at the top of the image rather than occasionally appearing off screen