Mus2 2.0.4
Device: Mac OS
Category: Music
Price: $59.99, Version: 2.0.3 -> 2.0.4 (iTunes)

Notation software for microtonal works and Turkish maqam music.For a free demo, visit www.mus2.com.tr. For more info, read on.• High quality music engraving with vector-based graphics and Retina display support• Support for all pitch systems with microtonal intervals and customizable accidentals• Intonationally correct playback with piano, kanun, ney, tanbur, ud, bağlama, keman and kemençe samples as well as percussion instruments and synthetic waveforms• Microtonal MIDI recording• Graphics export to Bitmap, JPEG, PNG, PDF and SVG formats• Audio export to AIFF and WAV formats• Microtonal MIDI export• Simplified user interface and workflow• Available in English and TurkishMICROTONALMus2 has been designed to make it easy to work with non-12-TET tunings and pitch systems, such as 53-TET used in Turkish music.In Mus2 you have complete freedom to define what pitches the lines and spaces of a staff represent--in absolute frequencies or in cents and as rationals, relative to the first pitch of a scale. Moreover, a scale can have any number of pitches.CUSTOM ACCIDENTALSNon-standard tunings may require non-standard accidentals. You can import symbols from vector graphics and music fonts into Mus2 to create your own accidentals.Not only can you easily adjust the layout and musical meaning of these symbols, you can also use them with notes and in key signatures just like any other accidental.For a quick start, Mus2 comes with a number of pre-defined accidentals, such as quartertone symbols and accidentals used in Turkish classical and folk music.INTONATIONALLY CORRECT PLAYBACKHear your score performed by sampled traditional Turkish instruments as well as piano and electronic instruments in any tuning. Mus2 understands and plays back many of the articulations, ornaments, dynamic markings and other symbols in your score.The polyphony (number of simultaneous notes) limitation commonly found in other MIDI-based microtonal solutions does not exist in Mus2. When you do need the sound processing capabilities of other music software, simply export your score as a MIDI, Wave or AIFF file. MIDI export uses various algorithms to preserve the microtonal intervals in your score.MICROTONAL MIDI RECORDINGConnect a keyboard or any other MIDI-compatible instrument and record music in any tuning. You can create key mappings for your tunings to assign each key to an arbitrary pitch and, thanks to Mus2's microtonal sampler, get real-time intonationally accurate playback.Once you're done recording and editing with the built-in sequencer, simply copy the recorded passage and paste it onto a staff.SIMPLE WORKFLOWAll the notation tools in Mus2 are in the toolstrip at the left edge of the screen. The toolstrip prevents visual clutter by showing the options that apply to the currently selected tool only.To add a symbol to the page, choose it from the toolstrip and click on the page--the symbol is automatically placed, and overall layout updated as necessary.NOTE: When you buy Mus2 on the Mac App Store, your license does not apply to other platforms.
What's New
• An issue where some MIDI devices could cause Mus2 to crash has been resolved.• The MIDI Recording window now correctly displays the length of a recording.